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About Us

Rise Up. Speak Up. Join Up.

Welcome to the Pakistan Youth Biodiversity Network (PYBN)!

PYBN is proud to be the national chapter of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN), an esteemed organization recognized and supported by the CBD Secretariat. We serve as the voice of youth at the forefront of biodiversity conservation efforts, actively participating in negotiations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Our mission is to raise awareness among young people about the significance of biodiversity and foster connections between individuals and youth organizations, ultimately building a strong global coalition to combat the alarming loss of biodiversity.

At PYBN, we firmly believe that the youth of today are the stewards of tomorrow. We recognize the urgent need to address the unprecedented environmental challenges facing our planet, and we are committed to taking action. By engaging, empowering, and inspiring young people, we strive to create a positive and lasting impact on biodiversity conservation in Pakistan and beyond.

Our primary objective is to bridge the gap between global policies and local actions. Through our participation in CBD negotiations, we ensure that the concerns and perspectives of young people are heard, influencing international decisions that shape the future of our planet's biodiversity. We actively advocate for effective conservation strategies, ambitious targets, and the inclusion of youth voices in policy development.

Awareness plays a vital role in fostering a sense of responsibility and inspiring action. PYBN conducts various awareness campaigns, educational programs, and community outreach initiatives to educate young people about the importance of biodiversity and the urgent need to protect it. By equipping the youth with knowledge and resources, we empower them to become effective agents of change in their communities.

PYBN serves as a hub for networking and collaboration, facilitating connections between individuals, youth organizations, and experts working in the field of biodiversity conservation. By fostering partnerships and providing a platform for sharing ideas and best practices, we aim to strengthen the collective efforts to halt biodiversity loss. Together, we can achieve more significant impact and promote innovative solutions to address the challenges we face.

We invite you to join us in our endeavor to protect and restore biodiversity. Whether you are a passionate individual, a youth organization, or a dedicated professional, there is a place for you in PYBN. Together, we can build a future where the rich tapestry of life on Earth thrives, ensuring a sustainable and vibrant planet for generations to come.

Join PYBN today and be a part of the global movement to halt the loss of biodiversity. Together, we can make a difference!

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